Oral Fluid Drug Screening

Drug Detection AU provide oral fluid drug testing using the Drager DrugCheck® 3000 Screening Device.  Our procedures comply as far as possible with the AS4760:2019 in relation to oral fluid .
It is important to note however that the current technology lacks the sophistication to achieve the accuracy parameters required by the Standard. To mitigate this we use an efficient secondary test and chain of custody process which reduces laboratory costs and possible liability associated with the use of oral fluid devices.
Please discuss this with us should oral testing be your preferred methodology.
Results are obtained between 5-10 minutes.
Click the links below to review the differences between Oral Fluid and Urine testing, which test is best for the different drug classes and the drug detection times.

Oral Vs Urine.pdfType of Drug Detected.pdfdrug detection times.pdf

Get in touch with us today

To book a test or to discuss your drug and alcohol risk management needs.